
How to pick the enticingly?

How to pick the enticingly? met today, downstairs neighbor Xiao Li, he told me about yesterday's dinner, want to eat the Fossa enticingly noodles, go to the supermarket to buy sesame paste is more stir more dilute, the taste is not good, give me advice how to buy sesame paste. On this occasion, I would tell how is it chosen sesame paste!

Today, the met in the downstairs neighbor Xiao Li, he told me about yesterday's dinner, want to eat the Fossa enticingly noodles, go to the supermarket to buy sesame paste is more stir more dilute, the taste is not good, give me advice how to buy sesame paste. On this occasion, I would tell how is it chosen sesame paste!

  Sesame paste is Sesame baked, ground, and then add sesame oil and a cold dish, Motley, pasta and other food ingredients, food used as a unique flavor.

  Authentic aroma with sesame paste, sesame sauce reddish brown to bright, Parkour, thick is moderate, taste a tiny Gan Yousu.

  Adulteration enticingly use peanuts or peanut, corn is worn-out, mixing mill, then join other vegetable oil, flavoured with little or no oil. Fake sesame paste contains a lot of harmful substance identification can be found! leave sesame paste colors looked Ze, lack of proper aroma and sometimes bitter or worn-out taste!

  Consumers can add water mixing method of identifying genuine and enticingly enticingly, pure sesame paste more stir more dry and mixed with other substances, the more stir more dilute, some even have a sour smell, odor, and ease the Changbai bad!

  We all know that after buying the enticingly must see Oh!

How to cook with minimal loss of nutrition?

Food cooking suffered a loss that cannot be completely avoided, but take some protective measures, you can make food save more nutrients.
  1 sizing hang. Raw material use starch and eggs sizing hang, will facilitate a raw material in the water and nutrients from a large number of overflow, reduce losses, but not because the proteins, vitamins are a large number of decomposition.

  2 due to vitamin a acid-alkali fear fear, so the dish and put some vinegar as far as possible, even if the raw material of animal origin is cooking vinegar also enables raw material is solubility in calcium, thus facilitating absorption of calcium.

  3 various raw vegetables, in particular, you should clean the vegetables, then cut with reducing water soluble material losses. And should cut is cooked, it can cause the loss of nutrients less affected by oxidation.

  4 cooked food, heating time to short. When you try to use cooking: hurry scrambled. The material by the open fire, quick-frying shortening one maturation time, thereby reducing the nutrient loss. According to statistics, pork, cut into strips, fried with sharp:, vitamin b, only 13% loss rate, and cut into blocks using slow fire, vitamin loss rate is up to 65%.

  5 hook Ying. Then hook fluorescent one soup, some components of leaching, together with the one with the intake.

  When cooking, forbidden-6. Soda can destroy the protein, vitamins and other nutrients. Therefore, in mourning for vegetables, pasta, made from raw materials and crisp black, it is best to avoid soda or soda.

  ◆ Quick quickly add vinegar to anxious ⒈ around quickly, avoid prolonged stew.

  ⒉ Note cover pots and prevent the vitamins dissolve in the water ran off with steam.

  ⒊ cooking should be keeping or less water, boil water, he will then drop food.

  ⒋ dishes add some vinegar when appropriate, crisp and delicious dishes not only allows, but also to prevent vitamin is compromised.

  ◆ Tips → slice the carrots, oil speculation in 6 to 12 minutes, carotene for 79 per cent; the carrot cut into blocks with the seasoning, simmer 20 ~ 30 minutes of beta-carotene is 93%; carrot cut into blocks with spices and meat, stewed with a pressure cooker 15 ~ 20 minutes of beta-carotene than saving rate of 97%.

  → Processing with bones of animal food may be appropriate to add some vinegar, which can make the animal flesh of calcareous dissolved out to dinner to intake more calcium. When the right zest of fried vegetables with vinegar, seasoning, and protects vitamin c less loss.

Food cooking suffered a loss that cannot be completely avoided, but take some protective measures, you can make food save more nutrients.

  ◆ A variety of cooking methods on the impact of nutrients.

  Cook: Cook to casein and has partially hydrolyzed proteins, fat little effect, but will make the water-soluble vitamins (e.g., B, c) and minerals (calcium, phosphorus) are soluble in water.

  Steaming: effect of steam on nutrients and minerals similar to cooking, but will not be steamed and suffered a loss.

  Stewed: confit enables water-soluble vitamins and minerals dissolve in soup, only part of the vitamin road to destruction.

  Marinate: pickled the same amount of time proportional to the size of nutrient loss. The longer the vitamins B and C losses, while small. But smoke and cook the food looked after to help digestion.

  Brine: halogen makes food of vitamins and minerals dissolve gravy, only partially suffered a loss.

  Fried: fried because temperatures are high, all of the nutrients have varying degrees of damage. Protein denaturation due to high temperature and serious, fat because of the loss of its function of killing. Saute, outside food or wrapped in a mixture of cornstarch and forms a protective film, the loss of nutrients.

  Baked baking: the vitamin A, B, C are considerable losses, but also allows the fat loss. If flame grilled directly, 4 3 · food and comb carcinogen benzene.

  Smoking: smoking causes the vitamins (especially vitamin C) destruction and loss of some fat, while at the same time there are 3, 4 and comb. But smoke makes food snacks.

